Living in an AI world…
Everyone’s talking about AI… as they should be. This incredible digital tool has been pondered upon for generations, yet we are just at the precipice of it’s capabilities. The use of AI has definitely made some very tedious work much easier and increased accesability, but it’s not quite at a point where we can fully rely on it. It does make for some interesting conversation, rather on how we can use it to produce efficiency. Image generation is certainly an “eye popping” achievement. You can now type into chat GPT “Show me a unicorn in a bra walking a tight rope and make it look realistic…” and get some pretty frightening results. The question is, will AI eventually replace designers, artists, web developers, jobs in general. It’s certainly looking that way, but as we look into the future we have to ask ourselves where we are and where we want to be. No matter the intelligence level of computers we’re no where near replicating human comprehension and emotion. What we can do in this ever changing digital landscape is think “how can we use AI for the greater good?” We’re all trying to hop aboard this new ship and sale off into the beyond of it’s possibilities. As a design agency, we’re looking at new and intelligent ways how to utilize AI for businesses and entrepreneur’s. We’re exploring new possibilities on how its integration can lift us rather than make us obsolete. As AI continues to develop, it takes creative “human” minds to determine where it will go.